Project 3
Analysis of the in vivo measured loads in the knee and hip joint with synchronous 3D motion capturing as well as the collecting of the electrical muscle activity under different workplace settings and with or without exoskeletons in laboratory and field studies
This subproject aims to measure the resultant joint loads in vivo under typical activities of daily living as well as under working conditions, including workplace modifications, lifting aids and education programs. For such in vivo load measurements a worldwide unique group of subjects with instrumented hip and knee implants are available.
Synchronously to the individual in vivo measured joint loads the whole body kinematic will be recorded with a 3D motion capturing system and the individual electrical muscle activity pattern will be collected. Also the effectiveness of exoskeletal setups onto the joint loading and kinematic will be analysed within laboratory and field studies. The worldwide unique in vivo measured load data will be used to validate the developed workplace settings and their modifications as well as the effectiveness of different exoskeletal setups.
Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Julius Wolff Institut
RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics
Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung
Example of an in vivo load meausurement using an exoskelet
Publications supported by the project
Reconstruction of occluded pelvis markers during marker-based motion capture with industrial exoskeletons
Johns J., Bender A., Glitsch U., Schmidt-Bleek L., Dymke J., Brandl C., Damm P. & Heinrich K.
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2024,
Comparing risk assessment methods for work-related musculoskeletal disorders with in vivo joint loads during manual materials handling
Brandl C., Bender A., Schmachtenberg T., Dymke J., Damm P.
Scientific Reports, 2024,
In vivo load on knee, hip and spine during manual materials handling with two lifting techniques
Bender A., Schmidt H., Wellner D.L., Duda G.N., Brandl C., Damm P.
Journal of Biomechanics, 2024,
Periarticular muscle status affects in vivo tibio-femoral joint loads after total knee arthroplasty
Winkler T., Bell L., Bender A., Trepczynski A., Duda G.N., Baur A.D.J, Damm P.
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2023,
Is Training With Gym Machines Safe After Hip Arthroplasty? – An In Vivo Load Investigation
Haffer H., Bender A., Krump A., Hardt S., Winkler T., Damm P.
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2022,
European Society of Biomechancis S.M. Perren Award 2022: Standardized tibio-femoral implant loads and kinematic
Dreyer M. and Trepczynski A., Nasab S.H.H., Kutzner I., Schütz P., Weisse B., Dymke J., Postolka B., Moewis P., Bergmann G., Duda G.N., Taylor W.R., Damm P. and Smith C.R.
Journal of Biomechanics, 2022,
Overstretching Expectations May Endanger the Success of the “Millennium Surgery”
Bender A., Damm P., Hommel H., Duda G.N.
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2022,
Congress Abstracts
Effect of the exoskeleton support on the in vivo measured hip joint loading during lifting
P. Damm, A. Bender, J. Dymke, G.N. Duda, H. Schmidt, C. Brandl
29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Changes of in vivo hip loading and muscle activation with external support by a soft Exosuit
D.L. Wellner and P. Damm, H. Schmidt, G.N. Duda, C. Walsh, J. Kim
29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Der Einfluss eines externen Extensionsmoments auf die Hüftgelenkbelastung in vivo
D.L. Wellner, J. Kim, J. Dymke, C. Walsh, G.N. Duda, P. Damm
Deutscher Kongress für Biomechanik, 2024, Heidelberg, Germany
In vivo load on knee, hip and spine during manual materials handling with two lifting techniques
A. Bender, H. Schmidt, D. L. Wellner, G. N. Duda, C. Brandl, P. Damm
In vivo Belastung von Knie, Hüfte und Wirbelsäule beim frontalen Heben von 10 kg
A. Bender, J. Dymke, P. Damm
69. Frühjahrskongress Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft e.V., 2023, Hannover, Germany
Methode zur Rekonstruktion von Beckenmarkern bei der marker-basierten Bewegungsanalyse mit rumpfunterstützenden Exoskeletten
J. Johns, A. Bender, U. Glitsch, L. Schmidt-Bleek, T. Schmachtenberg, C. Brandl, P. Damm, K. Heinrich
69. Frühjahrskongress Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft e.V., 2023, Hannover, Germany